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all law is specific


Law: in it's most basic fundamental and rudimentary definition essentially is a “Rule of Duty.” Naturally and Automatically Naturally Ones “Rule of Duty” is only of what one is (coincide with what one is/ created of natural or artificial), Naturally so. I am of and exist by the Force of God YHWH'S Divine Universal Sovereign Almighty Supreme Natural Laws and not by the force of government, government laws nor one working for and getting paid by some man made/manufactured(man-u-factored-in-some-bullshit)/fabricated/ conjured-up thing labeled or called government(conjured-up man made corporation) with man conjured up made laws.

Being a Natural Creature and being Naturally Created and Created of Natural Matter, one is first and foremost Naturally Subject of and to Nature and the Divine Universal Sovereign Almighty Supreme Natural Laws of which one is Created Naturally and Automatically Naturally, which Naturally Supremely has Precedence to any other law as "All Law Is Specific" and is a "Rule of Duty" and YHWH God's Divine Universal Sovereign Almighty Supreme Natural Laws being the Greatest/Highest of all laws as NATURAE VIS MAXIMA, NATURA BIS MAXIMA. Naturae vis maxima, natura bis maxima. The force of nature is greatest; nature is doubly great. 2 Co. Inst. 564. Hence more important than what the laws/rules says is to whom does it apply as there are various types or kinds of laws/rules. Man made conjured up government laws/rules especially is not naturally blanketed when it come to Self-aware Human Beings nor Naturally Applicable (Naturally Enforced) nor automatically applicable/enforced.

One of the definitions in BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY for law concerning this is “That which is laid down, ordained, or established.” YHWH God's Divine Universal Almighty Supreme Natural Laws is “That which is laid down, ordained and established” before (antecedent to) all your man made/ manufactured(man-u-factored-in-some-bullshit)/fabricated/ conjured-up government laws/rules was even penned/written or the country united States of America and the United States were thought of, conjured up and then established which was about Anno Domini 1776. God's Word(Law), YHWH God's Divine Universal Sovereign Almighty Supreme Natural Laws is the foundation of your man made/ manufactured(man-u-factored-in-some-bullshit)/fabricated/ conjured-up inferior government laws/rules and existed even before mankind himself John 1:1. [Public Law 97-280] Naturally making YHWH God's Word(Law), YHWH God's Divine Universal Sovereign Almighty Supreme Natural Laws Superior in the Law/Rule of Natural Pecking Order of Things where you have no legal remedy none-what-so-ever. Legality is not of YHWH God nor Nature but is of mans conjuration. What was first is first and will always be first. Man has neither the ability authority nor jurisdiction to go back in time to change what has Naturally already transpired and Naturally been established but can move forward in time to redo so as to change the out come(bring about another out come different than that) of what has Naturally already transpired and Naturally been established.

More important than what the law says is to whom does it apply because "All Law Is Specific" and is a "Rule of Duty" as there are many types of laws. No YHWH God Created Natural [Hu]man Being Man[kind] Man or [Wo]man Naturally have any legal duty. Just as "Malpractice Law" does not Naturally apply to me because I have not subjected myself to such laws in any form nor I am not a Doctor Practicing Medicine in the Medical Profession which is a government legality law regulated profession. Not of YHWH God nor YHWH God's Divine Universal Sovereign Almighty Supreme Natural Laws.