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"That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." Psalms 83:18 Originally Published December Anno Domini 2009 Is Currently Under Reconstruction, Do To A Screw Up Of Go Daddy's And Will No Longer Be Hosted With Them As A Result. which is a LEGAL NOTICE that was Published in the News Paper December Anno Domini 2009 to all Governments of the World.
Coming Back Again Soon! All Right Reserved!By: Felipe: Sims: A Jehovah God Natural Man Creation 😉
I Come In Peace
"You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments, rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws, rights derived from the Great Legislator(God) of the Universe" John Adams, Second President of the United States
"If people let the government decide what food they eat and what medicine they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry of state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." Thomas Jefferson
"We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson
Legibus sumptis disinentibus, lege naturae utendum est. (When laws imposed by the state fail, we must act by the law of nature. 2 Roll. R. 298.) Hence MAXIM OF LAW: NATURÆ VIS MAXIMUM (Nature Is Highest/Greatest)
NULLUS JUS ALIENUM FORISFACERE POTEST (No man can forfeit another’s right. Fleta, lib.1, c. 28 § 11)
NULLUS VIDETUR DOLO FACERE QUI SUO JURE UTITUR (No one is considered to act with guile who uses his own right. Dig. 50, 17, 55; Broom, Max.130)
LIBERUM EST CUIQUE APUD SE EXPLORARE AN EXPEDIAT SIBI CONILIUM(Every one is free to ascertain for himself whether a recommendation is advantageous to his interest. Upton v. Vail, 6 Johns. [N.Y.] 181, 184 5 Am. Dec 210.)
I have ascertained for myself no recommendation or the like from government is advantageous to my interest. It simultaneously is more of a nuisance, TRESPASSING, IMPEDING, HINDRANCE, annoyance, infliction, burden and burdensome and a violation of my God YHWH Divine Universal Sovereign Granted Natural Antecedent Natural Inherent Natural Unalienable Natural Nativity Rights and more. I have also some what ascertained some value for government and the like violating some of my Jehovah God Divine Universal Sovereignty Granted Natural Gifts which are Rights Granted to me by YHWH my God. See My Violation Fee Schedule.
Whomever: is making any such claim that any government law, no matter what government law it is or any other law, Naturally Applies to me, must do so with a BONA FIDE NOTARIZED signed AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS signed under penalty of perjury and of you being put to death if you are lying (not telling the truth), made a mistake and are wrong, did not know or are just flat out wrong, pay $10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion gold or silver) or serve 30 years in prison (I choose) without the possibility of parole if you can not pay or refuse to pay.
WARNING: All Law is specific and is a rule of duty. More important than what the law/rule say is to whom does it apply. From the top to the bottom from the bottom to the top. To all government officials and law enforcement and the like you are once again hereby being put on NOTICE. Your arrogance nor ignorance wittingly or unwittingly is no excuse. You have no immunity. It is noted that willful suppression of evidence is a felony, any cause for action may result in Administrative UCC Remedy and even action At Law. Document C. M. N.: 7014 0510 0002 0421 1958 was sent to various government agencies and officials as a NOTICE putting each agency on NOTICE as well as their agents. That there is a $1,000.00 to $10,000,000,000.00 billion fine/fee per violation for violating any of my YHWH God Divine Universal Sovereign Granted Inherent Supreme Natural Nativity Rights and use of and Violations of my YHWH God Divine Universal Sovereign Granted Gift of Time payable in gold, sliver or land. This applies to all government officials and all law enforcement officers employees, associates, representatives or the like from the top to the bottom from the bottom to the top. If I have not done one of the following four:
1) Hurt a Natural Man or [Wo]man.
2) Damage a Natural Man's or [Wo]man's Property.
3) Violate a Natural Man's or [Wo]man's God YHWH'S Divine Universal Sovereign Granted Inherent Supreme Natural Nativity Right.
4) Or Murder a Natural Man or [Wo]man.
No one in government has any right or reason to approach me, engage with me, interact with me, ask me anything or the like unless I have done 1 of the 4 previously mentioned and will be find according to my Fee Schedule for doing so. As all law is specific and there are various types of laws. I am a Natural Being and God YHWH'S Divine Universal Sovereign Almighty Supreme Natural Law is the only which Naturally applies to me and is Naturally Enforced. Not some artificial under duress enforced by government, government agent, police law enforcement or the like. Your arrogance nor ignorance wittingly or unwittingly is no excuse. You have no immunity.
My signature on any and all government applications, documents, citations, tickets or the like whenever I sign is for appeasement only. Was done and is done under Duress only because of the arrogance and ignorance of those that work for the government has been and is Rescission/Rescinded even at the time of signing unless I specifically indicate otherwise.
The Department of State document, “Certificates of Non-Citizen Nationality,” says in part: “all U.S. citizens are U.S. "nationals” and “Section 101(a)(21) of the INA defines the term ‘national’ as ‘a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.’ I being a God YHWH Created Natural Man Created of Natural Matter owe my Allegiance Exclusively to My Divine Creator God Almighty YHWH the only True Divine Universal Sovereign God, Ruler, Master Creator and Heavenly Father.
I, hereby, declare my intent and desire to be as I am a God YHWH Natural Created Man first and second as far as status a national with God-given Rights, which are Constitutionally-protected Rights, and not a citizen of the United States with civil rights under the scope and purview of the 14th Amendment in a condition of voluntary servitude.
I am “non resident” to the “residency” of the 14th Amendment and “alien” to the “citizenship” thereof; therefore I am not subject to the jurisdictional statements of the United States Code. I am subject to and a subject of the Perfect Original Jurisdiction of the Most High Almighty God YHWH the only True Divine Universal Sovereign God, Ruler, Mater Creator, and Heavenly Father of the Entire Universe. Psalms 83:18
By: Felipe: Sims: Without Prejudice UCC 1-308: A YHWH God Natural Man Creation